A strategic site in the Chianti region near Siena, at 695 meters above sea level, with some Archaic occupation but primarily occupied in the Hellenistic period. The main evidence for the Archaic period is one pit below a wooden building and out-of-context bucchero pottery. There then appears to have been a gap in occupation before reoccupation of the acropolis area in the late fourth century BC and heavier occupation in the full Hellenistic period. The finds from the Hellenistic period included artisans’ quarters containing a kiln for bricks and tiles and a weaving area, as well as two cisterns. The site was later occupied by a Roman villa and a medieval fort. These results are all the product of recent extensive excavations since its discovery by Alvaro Tracchi in 1964.
   See also TRADE.

Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans. .

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