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Etruscan architecture — was the form of architecture produced by the Etruscan civilization in Italy between the 9th and 2nd centuries BC.The Etruscan cityThe first Etruscan villages were built from four sided huts, either rectangular or round, with a very sloping roof… … Wikipedia
Etruscan art — was the form of figurative art produced by the Etruscan civilization in northern Italy between the 9th and 2nd centuries BC. Particularly strong in this tradition were figurative sculpture in terracotta (particularly life size on sarcophagi or… … Wikipedia
Etruscan jewelry — This article refers to the jewelry of the Etruscan civilization and its differences in various eras. Villanovan EraDuring the Villanovan Era, there was very little jewellery which has remained for discovery in modern times. The Villanovan… … Wikipedia
Etruscan military history — The Siege of Rome by the Etruscan military against the Roman military The Etruscans, like the contemporary cultures of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome had a persistent military tradition. In addition to marking the rank and power of certain… … Wikipedia
Etruscan coins — Like the Egyptians, Phoenicians and Carthaginians, the Etruscans were also rather slow to adopt the Greek invention of coinage. The brief period of Etruscan coinage, with the predominance of marks of valueFact|date=January 2008, seems to be an… … Wikipedia
Etruscan art — (с 8th–4th centuries BC) Art of the people of Etruria. The art of the Etruscans falls into three categories: funerary, urban, and sacred. Because of Etruscan attitudes toward the afterlife, most of the art that remains is funerary. Characteristic … Universalium
Etruscan alphabet — writing system of the Etruscans, derived from a Greek alphabet (originally learned from the Phoenicians) as early as the 8th century BC. It is known to modern scholars from more than 10,000 inscriptions. Like the alphabets of the… … Universalium
Style étrusque — L Artiste ému par la grandeur des ruines antiques, sanguine de Johann Heinrich Füssli … Wikipédia en Français
ETRUSCAN MEN — In In spite of the relative prominence of Etruscan women, the male gender does nevertheless appear to have been dominant in terms of power relations, generally set within the public sphere. This can be measured in terms of iconography and… … Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans
ETRUSCAN BLACK FIGURE POTTERY (CERAMICA A FIGURE NERE ETRUSCA) — A local imitation of Greek black figure pottery (black figures on red ground), which follows the Etrusco Corinthian style toward the middle of the sixth century BC. The first productions seem to be centered on Vulci and include groups defined… … Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans