The largest settlement of the Faliscans, the modern Civita Castellana, noted for its temple remains starting in the sixth century BC and a long sequence of funerary remains. One area of the later city (Vignale) was already occupied in the Final Bronze Age and there was a contemporary burial nearby at Montarano Sud. The city is renowned for the early use of terracottas. Temple remains have been found at various locations within the city plateau (Scasato) and on the boundary of the city (Vignale, Celle, Cappuccini, Sassi Caduti). One of these later boundary locations (Vignale) may have been the original citadel. Details have been recently uncovered by detailed geophysical survey of the setting of these different monuments, although the area has been much damaged by agricultural activity. The size of the city in the sixth century comprises two well-defined topographical locations (Vignale and Civita) that total 26 hectares. The population was forcibly moved to Falerii Novi by the Romans in 241 BC.

Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans. .

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