- A three-hectare Final Bronze Age settlement in the Tarquinia area of South Etruria.
Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans. Simon K. F. Stoddart.
Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans. Simon K. F. Stoddart.
FINAL BRONZE AGE — The final phase of the Bronze Age dating between approximately 1175 and 925 BC (using latest adjustments from dendrochronology), also known as the Protovillanovan in central Italy. Settlements were of village dimensions, ranging from one to 15 … Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans
fernetta — fer·nét·ta s.f. TS tecn. ciascuna delle tacche di una chiave | ciascuna delle lamelle di una serratura corrispondenti alle tacche di una chiave {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1834. ETIMO: etim. incerta, forse der. di ferla con etta femm., vd. etto, cfr … Dizionario italiano