Island off Tuscany that has proved to be the graveyard of a number of Etruscan ships. The most famous, dating to the early sixth century BC, located at 40 to 50 meters depth, is that from the Secche di Campese reef, which has been more systematically recorded than most (1983 to 1985). The ship contained a varied cargo of East Greek oil and wine amphorae, Etruscan amphorae, Punic amphorae, Ionian cups, Corinthian and Laconian unguent bottles, bars of iron and lead, amber, bucchero vessels, transport amphorae (with resin, pine kernels, and olives), a Corinthian helmet, a writing tablet, stylus, musical (wind) instruments, a carpenter’s gauge, and many other items. The ship itself was also partly preserved and built of fir, pine, oak, and elm, with pegs of olive and hazel. A further shipwreck has been found at Galbucina.
   See also TRADE.

Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans. .

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